📄️ 概览
Arbiter 的使用场景
📄️ 更新资源
Through this part of QuickStart, we have installed observer-metric-server and observer-prometheus and executor. Now we need to add meaningful labels to pods and nodes through the executor service to coordinate scheduling.
📄️ 负载感知调度
📄️ 按标签和策略调度
Arbiter-Scheduler 支持动态使用不同的调度策略,因此我们可以根据各种场景将 pod 调度到不同的节点。
📄️ 应用弹性伸缩
Here we will introduce how to use OBI to integrate with OBI metrics and HPA to scale application(pods).
📄️ 关闭计算节点
Execute an action based on OBI data to power off compute nodes.